J@ckpot ideas Inc.
2 устройства
Доступно для установки с
мобильного приложения FitbitОткройте приложение
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Это приложение платное, им управляет сторонний разработчик, не одобренный Fitbit.
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Требуется оплата
Это приложение платное, им управляет сторонний разработчик, не одобренный Fitbit.
Действуйте осмотрительно.

Crazy for stats and personalization? Choose a photo for your FitBit ClockFace!!! Use the Settings in FitBit App to choose a photo from your device as the background of your clock! Change Text Colors too! Time is large enough to read at arms distance away. All stats have automatic text color changes based on the % of goals completed today. The date easily readable, Day and numeric Day of the week in larger font. The battery % is displayed with automatic font color changes based on % of charge remaining. Elevation gain, or stairs indicated with a small staircase icon below battery charge, and the number of levels on the staircase. Distance traveled under the Elevation gain, in Miles or Km support. Heart rate, with realistic animated beating heart icon! Calories burned and Step count. This is a paid ClockFace, Payment made easily via K-Pay. Questions? Head over to the developer support page or submit a question at the bottom of

Подробные сведения
тегиDigitalStats Heavy
разработчикJ@ckpot ideas Inc.
Для этого циферблата требуется оплата, которой управляет разработчик в приложении.


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