Change colour based on the days and seasons of the Western Christian church calendar. Use the settings to select denomination.
Colours are based on the Revised Common Lectionary, (c) Vanderbilt Divinity Library 2008, https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/. Heart rate is only visible when elevated. 24-hour time only, because it's the right way to tell the time.
Tags: jesus christ nazareth god holy spirit liturgy liturgical bible lutheran roman catholic methodist episcopal anglican presbyterian reformed disciples season seasons holy feast feasts advent christmastide epiphanytide lent holy week eastertide ordinary time christmas eve boxing day epiphany baptism of the lord transfiguration shrove ash palm spy maundy good resurrection ascension pentecost trinity all hallows' hallows eve halloween all saints' saints all souls' souls christ the king white gold violet blue scarlet red green linen purple black color