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Betalning krävs
Denna app kräver betalning och hanteras av en tredjepartsutvecklare som inte godkänts av Fitbit.
Fortsätt med försiktighet.
Betalning krävs
Denna app kräver betalning och hanteras av en tredjepartsutvecklare som inte godkänts av Fitbit.
Fortsätt med försiktighet.

Scientific calculator, annuity calculator and convertor all-in-one!

Input your calculations in a manner that closely resembles natural form.

* Supports 26 mathematical operators/functions and over 50 units conversion.

* Supports Annuity due and Growing annuity. Solves for interest rate, number of periods, growth rate.

* Supports Decimal to Hexadecimal conversions.

Please use the application settings (in the Fitbit Mobile App on your mobile phone) to change the number of digits displayed.

This application requires a payment of $0.99, after a trial period of 7 days. Payment is handled by k-pay. To buy this app:

1. Go to

2. Add the code you see on your watch and follow the steps presented on the k-pay website.

Already purchased ? Go here:

kategoriGeneral & Utilities
Den här appen kräver en betalning som hanteras av utvecklaren i appen.

General & Utilities

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