Big thanks to Pegasus Spiele!
UNDO: Forbidden Knowledge places you in a cemetery in the swamp, July 1923: A man is his twenties is standing next to an open crypt, a horrified expression on his face. Next to him are a backpack, a spade, and a portable telephone, the wire of which leads down the stairs into the darkness. "Get out! Push back the grave slab and RUN!" cries a panicked voice through the receiver. "I can't leave you, Harley," the man answers in a trembling voice, "Harley, can you hear me?" A crackling noise from the receiver makes him pause — then a hollow, gelatinous, disembodied voice echoes through the receiver: "YOU FOOL, HARLEY IS DEAD." The man begins laughing hysterically. To protect his sanity, his heart stops, and he drops dead...
This is a great series of games and I highly recommend them! 8 / 10.
You can find it here: