Free, unusual discrete Hybrid Radial Analog watch face with floating Digital hour and minute segments, with configurable stats and dual mode delay, supporting both 12 hr and 24 hr (military) time, along with a switchable abbreviated date Digital screen and stats.Designed also for minimal battery usage.
Double tap heart rate to configure the Dual mode Analog view, fully customizable foreground and background colors and night hands in the watch face settings view.
Analog Hub shows am/pm or 24 hr mode, tap on it to switch to full Digital view, and on Digital hour to see Analog mode - default mode remembered.
To change 12/24 hr mode, visit
2 different date text formats - based on "language by region/country" supports Dutch, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Norwegian and Swedish or otherwise defaults to English
To change language, visit https://www.fitbit.com/settings/profile
Version and current language shown briefly at start in Digital mode only.
3 fixed stats are shown,
Heart rate [red]
Battery [green, or low warning orange or red]
Steps [cyan]
+ 1 configurable [by default is Floors] top right.
In Digital View double tap top right value - it will flash
While flashing each tap will advance to the next value of the following items in turn
Floors [yellow]
Calories [turquoise]
Distance [orange]
Active Zone minutes [pink]
See full documentation
mehrsprachige deutsche Kurzdaten
fechas abreviadas multilingües en español
dates multilingues français abrégées
italiano multilingue date abbreviate
meertalige Nederlandse verkorte data
flerspråklige norske forkortede datoer
flerspråkiga svenska förkortade datum
New February MMXX IV Vx.1.10 - Sense 2, Sense, Versa 4, Versa 3, Versa 2, Versa's (not I_onic)
SimpleClock series https://tinyurl.com/y5kzrqbd