Crop Circles
Olbia Coding
5 enheter
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Betalning krävs
Denna app kräver betalning och hanteras av en tredjepartsutvecklare som inte godkänts av Fitbit.
Fortsätt med försiktighet.
Betalning krävs
Denna app kräver betalning och hanteras av en tredjepartsutvecklare som inte godkänts av Fitbit.
Fortsätt med försiktighet.

Crop circles or no crop circles - that's just the beginning of customizing this watch-face. A simple tap will reveal your stats.

This app requires permission to access user-activity, heart-rate, storage and internet. The internet is required to provide a purchase code, should you decide to buy, and to validate your license. Storage is used to verify licence if switching between 2 purchased apps from Olbia Coding, without the need to go through purchase process again.


The watch-face comes with a free 30 hour trial period, and, if you like it, you can purchase for only US$1. (Plus applicable taxes for your region) Payments are via, anytime during the trial, via the settings in the Fitbit app. K-Pay accepts PayPal or Credit Card (Surcharge for credit card)

erbjuds avOlbia Coding
Den här urtavlan kräver en betalning som hanteras av utvecklaren i appen.


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