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Minimal mode added
BMI. BMR Barometer reading visibitly can be changed
Heart Rate Zone visibility can be toggled
12/24hr support available, toggle added to settings
The Battery is a bar at the top, changes colour for every 25% increment/decrement.
The activity bars have current and target activity for steps, distance, elevation, calories active minutes.
The heart rate has active and resting hear rate with heart rate zone at the top.
The basal metabolic rate and BMI is displayed under heart rate
Date is day ,date month and year at the bottom
Time is 12/24hrs with seconds.
Barometer reading from the sensor added for display in kPa
The clock face is a customised version built on the work available from anha1 on Github for Acid Clock Face (https://github.com/anha1/fitbit-acidclock).