Simple Calendar Watch
4 enheter
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Betalning krÀvs
Denna app krÀver betalning och hanteras av en tredjepartsutvecklare som inte godkÀnts av Fitbit.
FortsÀtt med försiktighet.
Betalning krÀvs
Denna app krÀver betalning och hanteras av en tredjepartsutvecklare som inte godkÀnts av Fitbit.
FortsÀtt med försiktighet.

📅 A very simple calendar style clockface. The calendar simply displays day numbers for the current month - always starting with 1 - it does not show/differentiate sun-sat or mon-sun ie weekend vs weekday.

🌈 8 colour themes - Basic black, LCD Retro, Dark, Light, Blues, Greens, Yellows, Purples

Other settings,

🌟 NEW - switch between time/date on the left or right

Seconds on/off

Display always on or off (auto time-out)

Overlay Grid on/off

🔎 search "chops" in the gallery to see more of my work or go to 😀


Please support independent developers :)

1.99 via kpay, one time purchase, no trial. FREE if you have already purchased "The Lot"

You can also buy my "The LOT" bundles here,

erbjuds avchops
Den hÀr urtavlan krÀver en betalning som hanteras av utvecklaren i appen.


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