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Betalning krävs
Denna app kräver betalning och hanteras av en tredjepartsutvecklare som inte godkänts av Fitbit.
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⭐️ https://ttmm.is/portfolio/5ttmm/

5TTMM is a minimal, aesthetic abstract clock face with original TIME view, TIMER, and FULL VIEW with 5 lines of complications. Time is represented by twelve circles divided for 5 minute period segments. The time of day is indicated by the position of the small dot: left for am and right for pm. To change COLOR PRESET tap the TIME. Tap left side to set TIMER, next set specific minutes, and tap triangle. Tap 12 dots icon to come back to the TIME view. Tap the right side to see and customize complications in FULL VIEW. 5TTMM is trial for 2 hours. You can unlock it for 2.99$ plus local taxes.

TTMM for Fitbit Versa clock face collection has been awarded in several international design competitions. TTMM © Copyright by Albert Salamon 2018. Design: Albert Salamon. Programming: Gregoire Sage.

erbjuds avTTMM
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