2 个设备
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Simple digital clock with sunrise and sunset times.

Select your location from settings to get sunrise and sunset times. You can either type the name of the city for the location or try to use the GPS. However, GPS typically does not work that well inside and consumes the battery. So typing the location name is suggested. The companion uses HERE geocoding service to determine the GPS coordinates of the location name.

Other settings:

- colours for the hours and minutes, stats and other texts

- select to show 3 activities from 6 available

- choose a background from 3 available or use your own

Note for those living north of Arctic or south of Antarctic Circles. The sunrise and sunset calculations here expect the sunrise and sunset to occur within 24 hours of each other. Of course, this won't be true in far north or south during the midwinter or midsummer. Sorry!

Source code available:

License: GPLv2

# Changelog


- Fix active minutes icon so it is colorable

0.3.9 - 2022-01-06

- Improved getting GPS location data from the companion

0.3.8 - 2021-11-01

- new feature: Use your own background image

Go to the Settings on the phone, scroll down, select "Use your own image" as a "Background" setting, then choose the image using the image picker.

- traveled distance is scaled to kms/miles after 2010m/5810 feet.

- more colour settings: activity and status texts have their own colour settings, too

0.3.7 2020-03-01

- yet another fix on settings. This time read correctly the settings stored on the watch.

- fix ordinal suffix on days 11-13 (use th instead of st, nd or rd)

v0.3.5 - 2021-02-05

- fix location name geocode

v0.3.1 - 2021-01-22

- improve location setting change sync to the watch

v0.3.0 - 2021-01-11

- improved settings sync with the companion

- convert distance to feet if US unit set as a user preference

v0.2.0 - 2021-01-06

- Added twilight settings

- More colour options for hours and minutes

- Active zone minutes as an activity

# Third Party Licenses

- Sunrises and sunsets are calculated using "sunrise-sunset" library by Udivankin Licensed as LGPL.

## Background Images

- starry night: Designed by Freepik:

- black texture: dashu83

- milky-way: wirestock

## Icons

- Icons made by Those Icons


