安装此 Fitbit 手机应用程序
Prime 3: Big, Bold, and packed with features... Prime 3 has it all.
Customize! Go to settings to change the colors or use our "sleeve friendly" option to toggle the location of the time. On your Fitbit tap the top left corner to change the theme, or use the quick settings to enable the Always on Display (AOD) option*. Enjoy!
\\ Designed by Marc Groen \\ Code by Paul Niven
Prime 3 has a one hour free trial, after the trial you can choose to purchase Prime for $1.99, or buy the "All In!" bundle and get all our faces for one low price! Please check compatibility with your Fitbit prior to purchase.
*Always on display AOD mode is only available for the Fitbit Versa 2.
#stayawesome Bright Bold Big Easy Cool Digital Colorful Men 10 Women Run Runners Neon Color Best Read Top Digital steps health heart rate rad retroawesomedesign custom niven groen Stay Awesome running spinning walk walking steps RAD grown