5 page notepad ($2.50 after 5-hour free trial)
The contents of each page must be edited though the settings of the Fitbit app. To change pages, press the left side of the screen to move back a page or the right side of the screen to move to the next page. There is also a "clear all" button that clears all pages of text.
Upgrade from Notepad Version#1: User no longer needs to edit each line individually.
When using the app: Please make sure you watch the amount of space your text takes up per page so that it does not go out of the screen, otherwise it will be out of frame and cannot be seen.
To skip to the next line for your text, simply press a long series of spaces. Any long series of spaces will move the text onto the beginning of the next line.
Link to original Notepad (edit each line of every page individually): https://gallery.fitbit.com/details/695464ad-d8e7-4d13-a99e-f7f58726749c
To buy this app after the trial, go to kzl.io/fitbit_notepadtwo and enter in the code shown on the watch screen. If you need further instruction, you may contact https://kiezelpay.com/contact/938493637.
For any questions or suggestions, contact me at my support email. vipbuilds.response@gmail.com