安装此 Fitbit 手机应用程序
此款应用程序需要付费,并由未经过 Fitbit 认证的第三方开发者管理。
此款应用程序需要付费,并由未经过 Fitbit 认证的第三方开发者管理。
Treat yourself with a minimal, but elegant, hybrid, customisable Fitbit clockface!
With a few taps on your phone, choose between multiple predefined colour schemes that go well with any wristband, or make it your own by combining the available colours.
Choose to enable the smooth transitions of the analog clock arms for a more natural feel, or save yourself some battery time by disabling it when you need to squeeze just a tiny bit more out of your battery life.
You can always keep an eye on your heartrate with a slick user interface, which additionally tells the date and day of the week.
Unlock this beautiful clock face for just $1.99!
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