Battery Log
Radek Szumski
4 个设备
安装此 Fitbit 手机应用程序

This simple app shows you the status of the battery on your FitBit device. It gives you current charge level and information when you charged it last.

You can customize the colors in the app and whether the screen stays on or off during charging.

IMPORTANT: Due to limitations of Fitbit OS you need to KEEP THE APP OPEN WHILE CHARGING.

If you enjoy the app and would like to support me, please consider a donation via the link:

If you would like to hire me to work on your Fitbit app or you need a web app done you can contact me here:

Thank you!

NOTICE: It seems like some devices with outdated firmware sometimes have issues with the app. Please update the firmware on your watch if you experience an unexpected behavior

If you have any suggestions or questions, you can find me at

General & Utilities
