此款应用程序需要付费,并由未经过 Fitbit 认证的第三方开发者管理。
Keep an eye on https://www.facebook.com/fitbitclockfaces for more promotions and DISCOUNT CODES! 😍
More awesome clockfaces here: https://bit.ly/3uSr0Eg
TAP anywhere on the screen to change your mandala flowers.
Beautiful mandala Digital clock!
A mandala is “a primary centering tool that maps the psyche’s journey of transformation.
Enjoy more awesome clockfaces and apps here: https://bit.ly/2YUoNs0
This app requires a small amount of $1.49.
Background designed by visnezh / Freepik.com
Already purchased? No problem, go here and unlock it for free: http://kzl.io/unlock
TAG: black, red, white , funky, summery, beautiful.