Raiju Days
2 个设备
安装此 Fitbit 手机应用程序
此款应用程序需要付费,并由未经过 Fitbit 认证的第三方开发者管理。
此款应用程序需要付费,并由未经过 Fitbit 认证的第三方开发者管理。

⌚️ AOD compatible, versa2/3/sense

A redo of my clock 'colfax days' based on the new Fitbit system font 'raiju'.. A simple informative clock face. Below the time is the first letter of each weekday. This displays with Sunday or Monday, but changes depending on your Fitbit profile. There are 20 different languages to choose from for the week letters. Immediately below the day letter, the date number for the current day of the week is shown.

At the top of the screen are Calories, HR, and Steps. Tapping on this area it will cycle stats.

At the bottom of the face are battery level, seconds (optional) and weather.

Via the clockface settings change,

- Border and/or shadow on/off/colour

- Background colour

- Text colour

- Date highlight box, and battery colour

- Weather units (c/f) and update interval

- Time separator

- Seconds on/off

- Time font weight

🔎 search "chops" in the gallery to see more of my work or go to http://www.chopsfitbitfaces.com 😀


1.99 via kpay, one time purchase, no trial. FREE if you have already purchased one of "The Lot" bundles here, https://bit.ly/3kC6ceZ or https://bit.ly/36EZVdz

此时钟显示可以接受支付 ,该些支付由开发人员在应用程序内管理。

