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As popularized by Alfred Hitchcock, the "MacGuffin" is the thing that everyone wants and is trying to get. Examples include the Holy Grail, the Maltese Falcon, and the briefcase in the movie Pulp Fiction.
The game Get the MacGuffin is a quick and humorous deduction game involving hand management and player elimination. The goal is to be the last player with cards. The player with the MacGuffin card will frequently win the game, but holding onto that card can prove quite difficult! Also, because there are 23 cards in the deck and players are always dealt an equal number of cards, there will always be some cards that are not in play. Figuring out which cards are missing is part of the strategy!
If you are a fan of Fluxx, you will enjoy this title as well. Its full of crazy, loud mayhem! 7 / 10
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