Gondwana Software
8 裝置
Fitbit 行動應用程式中安裝
此應用程式需要付款,而該款項由第三方開發人員管理,並未獲得 Fitbit 許可。
此應用程式需要付款,而該款項由第三方開發人員管理,並未獲得 Fitbit 許可。

See the time in units of 10 and 100, not 12/24 and 60!

There are 10 decimal hours in a day, 100 decimal minutes in a decimal hour, and 100 decimal seconds in a decimal minute. Decimal time was the official way to express time in France for a while during the French Revolution.

Decimal calendars have never been standard. This clockface uses 10 days in a decimal week, and 10 decimal weeks in a term. Term 3 is incomplete. This makes it easy to work out the period between dates.

An activity level is also shown. In the spirit of decimalisation, the value is a percentage of your daily goal (or, for heart rate, of your cardio threshold).

Touch the upper 2/3 of the screen to swap to normal time, date and activity units.

Touch the lower 1/3 of the screen to change the activity measure.

You can change settings for colour, time and date formats, and more.

Decimal has an Always On Display mode on compatible watches.

Impress your friends and confuse your enemies! Or start a new revolution: decimal time’s time has come!

Cost: $1US+tax.

此錶面需要付款,而該款項由 開發人員應用程式內管理。

