Lily's Heart
Javier Tafur
4 裝置
Fitbit 行動應用程式中安裝


Lily's Heart displays your heart rate and allows you to set vibration alarms for user-defined limits.

This app is free and was developed with the best intention for the user.

This app doesn’t claim to be accurate or to provide certified information.

This app will create a text file (hrlsvalues202012051200.txt) to save the user settings.

This app will read the filenames installed only to verify that the file exists.

This app doesn’t have any kind of connection, therefore the only data accessible is through your Fitbit app console.

The only data saved is the one on hrlsvalues202012051200.txt which will remain in your watch only and is not transmitted and/or shared in any way.

Getting Started:

1) Install the app.

2) You can scroll right to access the settings.

3) Verify your limits (high, mid, low) and the alarm for each limit

4) Select between Heart or Sport View

5) You can set your Sport View clock to 24hr or 12hr.

6) You can select to continue running the sensors with the screen off.

7) Enjoy!

類別Health & Fitness
提供者Javier Tafur

Health & Fitness
