Cool Binary Qlock
Alan Zhao
3 裝置
Fitbit 行動應用程式中安裝

This is a binary watch face, so very geeky.

I was looking for something simple like this, but could not find it in the app store, so i created one.

This watch face is inspired by the 1248 watch face by Nev Rawlings.

This watch can display date, time, and steps, and battery life.

Date is in mm-dd format, time is in binary or HH:mm format if you wanna show it.

Binary time has 3 blocks:

First line is hours in binary.

Second & Third line is minutes in binary.

You read from top to bottom, left to right, where

the left digit is 1, second is 2, third is 4, and last is 8.

Eg the time in the first screenshot is 9 o'clock.

You can flip the bit order in settings if you want.

If you cannot decipher the time, click it once will reveal the time in HH:mm on top.

Click again to hide top and bottom text for a clean look.

Settings will allow you to adjust the clock to your liking:

* hide inactive digits

* flip bit order

* hide infos

* use 1245 mode

* show vertical view

* show AM PM indicator

* show 1245 indicator

* adjust clock style (thin, thick, hollow)

* choose top (left) display info

* choose bottom (right) display info

* adjust colors

If you like what you see, buy me a coffee (email is same as support email), which i enjoy a lot. Thanks for downloading.

提供者Alan Zhao

