mobilní aplikace Fitbit
Show a schedule from upcoming events from caldav/ical calendars.
You need to open the settings and add your calendars. The user/pw is only used for CALDAV calendars.
I tested CALDAV only whit Owncloud/Nextcloud. You need to copy the calendar link from the calendar page.
## Features
- [x] Support Fitbit Versa and Fitbit Ionic.
- [x] Support ICAL and CALDAV Calendar (!! Reaping events "RRULE" are not supported)
- [x] Show up to 5 calendars (from one caldav account and multiple ical links) together
- [x] Detail page showing event title, time and location.
- [x] Countdown to the end of current event
- [x] Countdown to the start of next event
- [x] East Asian text support
- [x] On/Off switch for countdowns
Git: https://github.com/hjochman/fitbit-schedule
Forked from: https://github.com/blueset/fitbit-schedule Thanks to Eana Hufwe for his work.
The application uses Google Analytics to collect anonymous user statistics.