the Fitbit mobile app
Private app
The content has not been reviewed by Fitbit.
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Private app
The content has not been reviewed by Fitbit.
Only install applications from trusted sources.
This app allow you to control a lot of functions of your tesla from your wrist !
Including :
- AC controls
- Heated seats
- Lights & Horn
- Media controls
- Frunk, Trunk & Doors
- Charge Info & Chargeport Control
- Remote start
More is to be added in upcoming versions.
Once installed, you need to set up your tesla credentials in the app settings in the fitbit smartphone app.
A complete setup & usage guide is available on the project homepage (https://github.com/remygrandin/Tuskla)
(Note : This currently have been only tested with a fitbit Ionic and a tesla model 3, ping me on github if you encounter any issue)
(Note : This app is in a very alpha stage, do not use it in production. Please read the MIT licence for more infos)