Chinese Medicine Clock
4 devices
Available to install from
the Fitbit mobile app
Payment required
This app requires payment and is managed by a 3rd-party developer that is not endorsed by Fitbit.
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Payment required
This app requires payment and is managed by a 3rd-party developer that is not endorsed by Fitbit.
Proceed with caution.

Underneath this beautiful sunset clockface, hides a Chinese Medicine (body) Clock.

The first page of this clockface shows a digital clock with time and dates, steps and heart rate with a beautiful sunset background from the West High Peak of Hong Kong.

The key feature,lies in the second page which is a Chinese Medicine Clock This clock breaks the day into 6 sections, fire, water, fire, wood, metal and earth. Each of these sections is made up of two 2 hour intervals, hence, cutting the day into 12 time intervals ( 12時辰 - 子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥) which is the Chinese accent time keeping method. According to Chinese medicine, the (氣) "GI" will pass through vital organs through the day. This Chinese Medicine Clock tells which organ the "Gi" is in and which section the time is in based on the time of the day. These information, according to Chinese Medicine, will help understand the body more and help achieve a balance, hence, health.

This is a paid clockface : . price USD2

offered byDuncan
This clock face requires a payment that is managed by the developer in-app.


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