This app enables real-time interfacing of the heart rate tracked by supported Fitbit Sense devices with the virtual reality application Augmented Life Suite and BECOME's platform.
- Having a valid account on Become’s platform: "https://app.become-hub.com"
- Having installed the Fitbit mobile app, having created a Fitbit account and, finally, having synced the Fitbit watch (Sense or Sense2) to the mobile app
Setup Instructions:
1- Put your Bluetooth on
2- Connect your Fitbit to the app
3- On the mobile app, click on “Sense”, which is your connected Fitbit watch
4- Look for the “Augmented Life Suite Companion” app on the list of Fitbit apps available
5- Click on Settings. Here you’ll find two fields to fill with your credentials
6- You can find the Device Name and the Device Password on the webpage “https://app.become-hub.com/devices”
7- After you inserted these credentials you should be able to see your device on this page: “https://app.become-hub.com/apps/augmented_performance”. If you are wearing the Fitbit, it will show your current heart-rate.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: support@become-hub.com
Privacy Policy: https://www.discoverbecome.com/privacy