A super Analog Radial face with dual display mode:
- Quick look, just see the time initially for simple time checking, followed by
- Long look, which shows time and live stats of Heart rate, Steps, Battery and Floors [best with default display timeout of 10s]
- Rewake [touch screen] within 3 seconds, the previous look is retained
Double tap heart rate to toggle whether display behaves with only Long look on watch wake or with dual mode.
Tap on Analog background to see Digital view, and tap on Hour to return to Analogue view
See full documentation for languages and Digital view configuration
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New February MMXX IV Vx.1.18 Sense 2 Sense, Versa 2, Versa 3, Versa 4, Versa's (not I_onic)
Inspired by secretary Nikki
SimpleClock series https://tinyurl.com/y2xa8gzq