aplikasi seluler Fitbit
App for HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). A simple app that vibrates on interval changes. There are 3 exercise screens: warm-up, hard, and easy. The screens show countdown in seconds, heart-rate, current interval number and type (warmup/hard/easy). When all intervals are complete, screen showing overall average heart-rate and peak heart-rate is shown.
From the main menu there are several config options, including:
- hard (mins/secs to work hard), defaults to 30 seconds
- easy (mins/secs to work easy) defaults to 1min 30 seconds
- warmup (mins/secs to warm up) defaults to 2 minutes
- intervals (number of intervals) defaults to 8
- vibrate on interval changes. A sample vibration will play when back button is pressed from tumbler menu
- display (default is leave display on. Note - this will use extra battery life!)
-settings are saved and used on subsequent runs
updated 03/2019: config changes reflect latest config changes.
email bugs/requests to katheiles@gmail.com